The FreeCap BITA Decarceration Index (FREEIN)

The first criminal justice index aimed at ending mass incarceration

The FREE Index (FREEIN) is a publicly-available index that leverages FreeCap's unparalleled dataset and proprietary ratings methodology, in conjunction with BITA's cutting-edge indexation technology, to identify and track companies leading in decarceration. The index will be made up of FreeCap’s highest rated companies and will be the first of its kind to incorporate a companies’ fair chance hiring practices and prison risk mitigation efforts.

FREEIN is an index that makes it possible to invest in companies who lead in fair chance hiring and disrupt the prison industrial complex - without sacrificing returns.

The FREE Index will:

  • Offer increased transparency into the key policies companies should implement to reduce their impact on mass incarceration

  • Create a research tool that asset managers can use to track best performance

  • Increase incentives for companies to follow best practices so that they are recognized as an industry leader

Access The FREE Index (FREEIN) performance, factsheet and methodology documents here.